Revitalise your life & health with holistic wellness.

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Hey, nice to meet you!

I read Forty Rules of Love when I turned 30: it had this beautiful paragraph written about turning 40. I was working in the financial sector at the time, and the words struck a chord with me. I always wondered what my life would look like at 40. Little did I know I’d go through this journey of mindfulness and healing: diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, finding healing for myself, turning 39 and beginning my professional journey as a holistic wellness coach. The day I turned 40, I decided to launch my page about my health journey and practices.

I am on a mission to empower individuals to be their best selves with a whole-person approach to wellness that incorporates one’s mind, body, heart and money

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Free Meditation Guide for Mind-Body-Spirit Connection and Grounding

Oftentimes, people dismiss the immense benefits of a strong mind-body-spirit connection and go about their busy lives without grounding themselves. Here’s a free meditation guide to help you find that connection, ground yourself, and help manage negative thoughts.

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Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan

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